Home Energy Workshop
Are you a homeowner? Chances are that professional weatherization could save you 15-35% in home heating costs!
Interfaith Power & Light (DC.MD.NoVA) can partner with Civic Works’ Retrofit Baltimore or LEAP-VA to bring energy education workshops to the homeowners in your congregation.
Learn how you can save energy, help create green jobs, and shrink your carbon footprint at the same time!
We’ll reflect on our own responsibility as people of faith to consider the impact of our electricity use.
In particular, you’ll have a chance to hear the story of how our electricity is made, to explore practical steps for saving energy in your home, and about LEAP-VA or Civic Works’ Retrofit Baltimore, two local organizations that are working to help homeowners save energy and create good green jobs at the same time.
IPL has brought such Home Energy Workshops to groups of hosting congregations in several neighborhoods: Capitol Hill, Shepherd Park, Potomac, Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Chinatown, Columbia, Columbia Heights, Alexandria, Arlington, Germantown, Silver Spring, and Baltimore.
To host a home energy workshop, contact: program@ipldmv.org
Lenten Creation Care Calendar
Lent is a time to repent, reflect, sacrifice, and listen for God. Each year, we produce a calendar for your congregation to use in thinking more intentionally about caring for Creation each day during Lent. May the Lenten season season serve as a wake-up call to be mindful of the ways that our daily choices impact everyone, especially people living in poverty.
Click here to see our recent lenten calendars.
Counting for the Climate: Omer 5779
Jewish communities formally count each day starting on the second night of Pesach — our retelling of exodus from slavery in Egypt — for the seven weeks until Shavuot — a celebration of receiving the Torah. This counting, called S’firat haOmer, recalls an agricultural practice of bringing sheaves of barley — each unit an “omer” — as Temple offerings. IPL-DMV invites you to use this calendar to both appreciate abundance in the natural world, and to journey, with our damaged climate in mind, from freedom to responsibility.
Click here for recent Omer calendars.