Many guides to greening congregations have been developed by a diversity of religious traditions and denominations. Many of these programs are applicable to any congregation. Know a guide to add that isn’t listed here? Email
Cool Congregations
– National Interfaith Power & Light
– Cool Congregations is a program to help congregations reduce their individual carbon footprint. There are start-up kits, carbon footprint calculators, and a Cool Congregations Challenge (with prizes!).
Becoming Carbon Positive: a manual for places of worship
-Climate Buddies
-Members of green teams in congregations worked together to produce a greening manual for congregations.
Green Faith Guide
– District of Columbia Energy Office
– This guide was designed to assist in the development of an environmental outreach and education program targeting faith-based communities in DC; to help religious organizations better plan and implement building construction expansion, renovation, equipment replacement, maintenance and operation to reduce energy use and save money.
The Green Sanctuary Manual
– Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth (UUMFE) and the Unitarian Universalist Association
– The manual provides specific projects and activities that congregations can undertake that lead to recognition as a Green Sanctuary.
Responsible Purchasing Guide for Faith Communities
– Responsible Purchasing Network
– RPN members can download for free. Non- RPN members can access free excerpts.
– The guide provides key steps congregations can take, outlines ways to undertake each action, and calculates the positive impact of those actions.
Greening your Synagogue Packet
– Baltimore Jewish Environmental Network
– This guide provides resources to provide resources to local synagogues, their lay and professional leadership, to enhance the knowledge and appreciation of Jewish environmental issues.
Greenfaith Certification Program
– Greenfaith: Interfaith Partners for the Environment
– Resources in the area of worship, religious education and spiritual practices.
Downloadable Tip Sheets
– Blessed Earth
– These extremely practical tips set you up for stewardship success in all areas of life.
50 Ways to Help Save the Earth by Rebecca Barnes Davis
– Westminster John Knox Press
– Purchase for $14.99
– This guide outlines fifty ways in which you, your congregation, and your local community can help fight global warming and enjoy participation in a vital part of Christian discipleship.
Greening Guides – Room by room guide and Whole Conservation guide
– Union for Reform Judaism
– These guides offer conservation suggestions you can start using today in your home or in your congregation. One offers suggestions on a room-by-room basis; the other offers suggestions based on the conservation category.
Green Congregation Program
– Web of Creation
– This list of resources gives helpful tips in all areas of energy conservation at your congregation.
Just Living Series
– National Council of Churches of Christ
– This series includes guides on green living, sustaining waters, and other topics of greening your congregation.
Earth Care Congregations: A Guide to Greening Presbyterian Churches
– Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
– This series outlines and provides resources for a specific number of actions toward caring for God’s earth in four categories: worship, education, facilities, and outreach.
Green Gurdwaras
– EcoSikh
– A guide to Greening Sikh places of worship through landscaping, water conservation, food and waste reduction, and improving the indoor environment.
Creation Wise Guides
– Georgia Interfaith Power and Light
– A series of guides that include everything you need to know about pursuing Creation Wise certification, includes guides on water, sustainable purchasing, waste reduction, and energy efficiency.