Interfaith Power & Light (MD•DC•NoVA) is partnering up with Montgomery Victory Gardens’ Congregational Community Garden Network (CCGN) to help local congregations grow food in their own backyards.
The network, which brings together faith-minded food gardeners from across the DC greater metro area, shares community, information, and inspiration through a Yahoo Group, phone calls, educational meetings/presentations, and garden visits.
Expert advice from certified Master Gardeners is also available.
Hundreds of pounds of food were contributed last year to area food shelters form CCGN gardens, and we aim to grow even larger this year.
If you are already growing food at your congregation, let Montgomery Victory Gardens know! They would also be happy to help your congregation plan and create a community garden.
For more information about the Congregational Community Garden Network, please contact Montgomery Victory Garden Outreach and Education Coordinator Vincenza Kamwendo at,
or MVG Project Director Gordon Clark at